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Women Affirming our Power Brunch came to fruition from the desire to create a sisterhood amongst women!

If there is a problem for Black Women, WAPBRUNCH     is here to solve it!


Women Affirming our Power launched 26th September 2021 fast forward we are now a growing community of over 250+ black women between ages of 18-67.



Originally founded as a brunch we quickly realised we were more than that! Offering a range of social events such as empowerment brunches, book clubs, networking events, various self care, Zuri Bliss wellness women development workshops, courses & productive workday meet ups.


In addition to our WAP Wellness hub we will be offering sponsored therapy and self-defence classes in the near future.

Adapting to the needs of Black women is what we do.


Proud To Have Worked With


WAPBRUNCH was birthed to promote more collaboration over competition bringing sisterhood back into our community, and to also combat the many limited opportunities Black women face on a daily basis. We aim to challenge & change the narrative by equipping women with the knowledge and skill set to break down those barriers, building projects with purpose to help create a better future.


Many women within our hub are growing entrepreneurs navigating the harsh reality of business. With the lack of knowledge, funding, opportunities and resources this proves to be an exceedingly difficult task. Becoming a mental & physical challenge.

Always at a disadvantage never at the forefront of love, success, wealth or health 
WAPBRUNCH promises to do our best at changing that.

WAPBRUNCH offers a safe space & sisterhood for women to connect, network, share experiences, meet potential clients, exchange whilst learning new skills & knowledge as well as enjoying being in the presence of other like-minded ambitious go getters. We’re all about good vibes, call your mama, sister, Aunt, niece & homegurls to come on down to WAPBRUNCH 

We are trying to create a world where we as Black Women experiences ease instead of struggle.


Our Mission and Vision for


To create a sisterhood & space where Black Women can grow, glow & win!
For far too long, black, women’s dreams, goals and mental health have been neglected. Here at WAPBRUNCH we put you first! To Promote collaboration over competition globally, levelling the playing field, changing the narrative and filling in the gaps.


“Women have to take the time to focus on our mental health — take time for self, for the spiritual, without feeling guilty or selfish.”

Beyonce  Knowles-Carter 28 x Grammy awards & Founder of Ivy Park

Our Promise

We promise to provide a safe space where your are free to be your beautiful, unique & glorious self.
We promise to deliver a community of like minded Queens who are committed to bettering themselves.

We promise to leave you inspired with every WAPBRUNCH interaction.


We put you first

We practice love, wellness & care within our community

We promote collaboration over competition.

welcome every type of Black Women into our sisterhood, no matter the shape, size or age




4th July  2021

Launch photoshoot

Dalston Rooftop

8th July  2021

Launch of Instagram & the WAP website celebration dinner



26th September 2021

Launch of our first ever WAPBRUNCH

Afrikana Dalston


26th November 2021

Launch of our first ever WAP X-CHANGE

The Columbia Hotel


25th February 2022

Hosted our second WAP X-CHANGE

The Columbia Hotel


29th May 2022

Hosted our second WAPBRUNCH

Roti Island Dalston


16th July 2022

Presented Designed By Jujubeng  x WAP  Branding 101 Cohort 1 graduation

Renaissance Studio


17th September 2022

Launched 4th Session Designed By Jujubeng  x WAP Branding 101 Cohort 2 Collaboration

Renaissance Studio

IMG_5956 3.HEIC

26th September 2022

Celebrated our first WAPBRUNCH birthday!


16th April 2022

Launched first Session Designed By Jujubeng  x WAP  Branding 101 Cohort 1 Collaboration

Renaissance Studio

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